citrus season
prints now available!
Originals available on request

Born and raised in Florida, citrus season has always been one of my favorite parts of winter. Seasonal cooking in my kitchen is centered around the fruit trees my dad grew as a hobby growing up, and I can feel the tingle in my jaw just thinking about their tart juice.
This body of work is a playful take on “citrus season” in the South- a moment of energy and color in an otherwise cold and calm season. I stumbled upon the idea while experimenting with mark making in an entirely unrelated subject. Circular and semi circle forms began to emerge, and I quickly started to see fruit in them.
This style of painting is an adaptation of a way of working I’ve explored since 2019, marked by intuitive marks that focus on the essence of the “thing,” moreso than the thing itself. The marks often feel playful, with evidence of the human hand intact and fleeting thought left on the page as evidence of the process.